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Zeta Gamma Chapter
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
About DPhiE
Zeta Gamma
Meet Our LT: MAL
Our Member at Large is Liv! "I'm Olivia Harwick and I am the Member at Large for the Zeta Gamma chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon. I am a...
Meet Our LT: VPAA
Our Vice President of Academic Affairs is Kassie! "Hi! I'm Delta Phi Epsilon's newest Vice President of Academic Affairs. It is my job to...
Meet Our LT: VPMD
Our Vice President of Member Development is Hillary! "Hello I am Hillary Herczeg and I am a Junior here at Kutztown University studying...
Meet Our LT: VPP
Our Vice President of Programming is Ashley! "I am a Junior, social work major. I am part of the Founder class of Zeta Gamma. As Vice...
Meet Our LT: VPR
Our Vice President of Recruitment is Courtney! "I'm Courtney Renaldi and I'm a sophomore elementary education major. I joined Delta Phi...
Meet Our LT: VPO
Our Vice President of Operations is Kylie! "I am currently a sophomore, studying management and marketing to pursue international...
Meet Our LT: President
Our President is Ali! "My name is Ali Pottebaum, I'm a Junior Social Work Major. My hope is to receive my BSW and MSW from Kutztown...
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