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Zeta Gamma Chapter
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
About DPhiE
Zeta Gamma
Diplomas in December & Dean's List Deephers
It's official, the Fall 2017 semester has finally come to a close. Wooohoooo! Our sisters have had incredible success, made endless...
Sea You Soon, Andrea!
Did you know sharks are always swimming forward so that they don’t sink to the bottom of the water column? Our sister Andrea Dempsey is...
Another Recruitment in the Books
We love recruitment! And we love that it's over (for now). The past six months have been a tornado of flashy themes, decorations, outfit...
The City of Sisterly Love
Formal recruitment is right around the corner (check out the link to register on our home page), which means our social media is...
Delta Phi Epsilon Congratulates Sisters on Spring 2017 Deans List
Another semester in the books! Time flies when you're spending hours on end nestled up in the quiet section of the library, large Java...
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