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Zeta Gamma Chapter
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
About DPhiE
Zeta Gamma
Psych-ed About Our Graduates
To our sisters that will be changing the world while changing the individuals that inhabit it. Thank you! The world needs more people...
To Infinity and Beyond....
To the women that will change the world in so many different ways. Thank you for being uniquely amazing and for changing our chapter for...
Marketing, Communications, PR, Oh My...
Next up in our Senior Graduation Spotlights, we have Audrey, Emily, Brianna and Hillary. These lovely women are all planning to change...
Social Work-It Ladies!
We can't believe the time has come where we are saying good-bye to the people that founded this beautiful organization that we are lucky...
Where Are They Now: Deepher Alexis
Sorority girls come in all different forms; Some fly off to work in cities across the globe, some go right into classrooms to teach and...
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